Owner University of Pittsburgh
Architect Johnson Schmidt Associates
Cost $28,000,000

The Multi-Purpose Academic Complex was a prominent addition for the University of Pittsburgh. Located in the heart of Oakland on Forbes Avenue, the building – now called Sennott Square - houses several colleges and departments, in addition to providing increased classrooms and support space. The first floor of the building is leased for general retail use. A two-story below ground parking garage helps to alleviate the current parking shortage in the Oakland area.
The building was constructed in a multiple prime contract format because of Department of General Services funding. With 23 different prime contractors working on the project, completing work in sequence and in coordination was always a challenge. However, Burchick Construction, with four major contracts, served as the general contractor for the project by fulfilling the duties typical of a general contractor.
The scope of work performed by Burchick Construction in this project included the forming, placement, and finishing of concrete, as well as construction of the exterior structural stud and sheathing system, installation of the GFRC decorative cornice, installation of the EFS, and completion of all interior studs, drywall, and acoustic ceiling work. Burchick Construction installed a significant portion of the architectural millwork and casework throughout the building as well.